USofA Pageants has always and will always be a pageant system that promotes the talent, beauty, elegance, and the intelligence of all our contestants. In our talent competition, we encourage contestants to showcase their individual talents: whether it be dancing, singing, acting, monologue, or other talents. In the evening gown category, we encourage contestants to fully showcase their personality in their gown and accessory selections and embrace their creativity in their modeling poses. In the interview category, we encourage contestants to carefully listen to the questions asked and speak their mind articulately and freely in their responses.

We have recently seen some trends in some of the categories that have caused some concerns among the USofA Pageants staff, promoters, contestants, and fans. These concerns promoted a discussion on how best to address them.

USofA Pageants has never and will never discriminate against any contestant that has silicone work done or uses hormones. Neither have ever nor will ever be considered in any portion of the competition.

However, we do feel the need to clarify our position in regards to nudity and/or the use of pasties. At no time, is nudity ever allowed in any portion of competition, regardless if it is judged or non-judged. Additionally, former titleholders and other special entertainment may not perform nude during any of their entertainment numbers or at any time while they are on stage during the pageant.

The use of pasties is likewise not allowed during any portion of competition, by former titleholders, or other special entertainment.

To ensure that there is no confusion regarding this, we are modifying rule #9 to read:

The Official Miss Gay USofA Pageants does not discriminate against entertainers with silicone and/or hormones. The use of silicone and/or hormones will not be considered by any judge in the scoring of contestants. Nudity and pasties will not be allowed by anyone (contestant, dancer, former titleholder, special entertainment, etc.) in any portion of any preliminary.

If there are any questions about these changes, please contact the National Office at or 832-425-1240. A downloadable copy of the policy can be found here.
