Sasha Lauren
Sasha Lauren

WOW, November is gone!

Time goes by so fast. I hope the holidays brings happiness with all your loved ones. This is the time of joy and laughter. As the holidays begin, remember we are blessed in so many ways. There are many things we take for granted but we should stop and be thankful each and every day. Most of all we need to be thank- ful to be alive.

I want to start off by thanking Eric Graham and Sam Wunschel for an amazing Miss Gay Wis- consin USofA at Large Pageant! These two are amazing promoters and I am so happy they are part of the USofA family. Congratulations to Symphony Alexander Love, your Miss Gay Wisconsin USofA at Large and her 1 st runner up Chey’enne Valentino. Both have qualified for Miss Gay USofA at Large 2017. While in Wisconsin I had the opportunity to work with the ladies of La Cage. What an amaz- ing experience and venue. It is full of energy and love. What a great place to have Miss Gay Wisconsin USofA at Large. If you ever make it to Milwaukee don’t miss a chance to visit this amazing venue.

Remember to always stay focused, learn from this journey, stay humble and most of all believe in dreams.

Sasha Lauren

Miss Gay USofA at Large

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